Goddess of Heart

Celebrating Zürich Decompression 2023

Fine Art

zig zag identity element

Zürich Decompression

This is where it all started! Members of the Burningman Community Zürich approached me with an idea to create an art piece as memorabilia of their Decompression event. The event took place in September of 2023, and it was my first engagement with the community.

This art piece depicts activities, sub-communities and individuals that co-created the whole experience. It also captures my personal impressions, represented by the central female figure.

Wall Art

80.00 EUR

Goddess Of Hearth

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Art memorabilia

Zürich Decompression 2023

Limited series art piece

Canvas & Paper

Burning Heart is a symbol as old as humanity.

Representation of Hestia

A young woman with deer antlers, in a red silk dress represents Hestia, Goddess of the Heart and Temple in Greek mythology. In Ancient Greece she was represented with the flame, burning in the centre of the house or the temple. Throughout the centuries she stands as a symbol of warmth, self-acceptance, belonging and tranquility. Qualities often neglected in our society, one that favours productivity, measurable achievements, and superficiality.

Parallels with the Burningman

That same year, in Nevada, at the main Burningman event, the community built a temple named The Temple of The Heart. In my art piece Hestia, Goddess of the Heart and Temple is holding a burning heart. It symbolizes not only the temple, but also the feeling of belonging withspread between the members of the Burningman community. 


Circle or mandala was used to depict Hestia in ancient Greece. The same circle is used as a symbol of Self in analytical psychology, namely the work of Jean Shinoda Bolen, Hestia is a goddess of introspection. She stands for our capacity to turn inwards and reflect, the skill that we need to outgrow our problems, adapt, and evolve.

One of the central elements of the 2023 Zürich Decompression event was a LED-powered mandala by an amazing artist Thomas Steiner, also inspired by the rooftop of the Temple of the Heart. The same mandala found its place in my art piece.

Bird-eye view of the Temple of the Hearth

Burningman Community in Zürich

Many communities contributed to the Zurich Decom 2023, all of them symbolically represented with the elements floating around Hestia:

  • Motherfucking Queens
  • Please list the others...

It was a pleasure to be a part of Zürich Decompression and to work on this art piece, supported by creative inputs of the community members.